NSSF SHOT Show, Booths 62211 and 56108, Las Vegas, Nevada—
TNVC and Envision Technology are proud to publicly unveil the new Envision Technology RAIL (Rail-Mounted Aiming / Illumination Laser) and RAILc (Rail-Mounted Aiming / Illumination Laser, Commercial) weapon-mounted NIR/VIS miniature aiming laser at the Envision Technology booth, #56108 and the TNVC booth, #62211 at the 2025 NSSF SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada!
The RAIL and RAILc are in production now MSRP for the RAILc Class 3R commercial variant is $3,699 and willavailable for pre-order at TNVC with deliveries estimated to begin in late-summer 2025.
The RAIL and RAILc share their DNA with the Envision MARS Miniature Advanced Rangefinder System (MARS), which was recently awarded a contract by USSOCOM for the Miniature Aiming Ranging Laser (MARL) program and has been developed and tested while integrating extensive feedback from end-users, resulting in a highly intuitive and ergonomic multi-function aiming laser (MFAL) system in an exceptionally small form factor, weighing under 6 ounces, including the onboard, laterally mounted CR123 battery, making it more resistant to recoil and weapon shock even when used on belt fed or heavy caliber weapons.
The RAIL and RAILc feature coaligned, output adjustable NIR and visible aiming lasers as well as an independently adjustable (elevation/wind/beam divergence/ output power) VCSEL NIR illumination laser and a wide-angle NIR LED illuminator for confined spaces or Close Quarters Battle (CQB) and is user configurable for VIS and CQB override modes and are available with either green and red visible aiming lasers as well as Class 3B (Restricted) and Class 3R (Commercial) output variants.
The RAIL and RAILc measure <3.7” x 2.4” x 1.4” (height above rail), about the size of a pack of Class A cigarettesand occupying a similar footprint to the USSOCOM LA-23 aiming laser.
Yet despite its small size, like the MARS, the RAIL and RAILc is once again a masterclass in human factors engineering, ergonomics, and “switchology” for weapon-mounted low-light enablers featuring control interfaces that are both large and distinct enough to be distinguished and activated in the dark by feel alone even while wearing gloves without creating snag points or protuberances from the main housing, adding to the overall rail space needed for effective control and manipulation. The RAIL’sswitchology is a testament to the insight possessed by Envision’s design, engineering, and leadership teams and gained from decades of designing and building world-class NIR aiming lights and lasers with direct end-user feedback.
Even the attachment for the RAIL’s optional three-button remote switch is smartly designed, featuring an environmentally sealed, flat attachment point rather than a “plug port” that is self-contained within the device footprint, creating a further “rail-estate” penalty for using remote device activation, and remote switches are available in 6”, 12”, and 20” lengths to provide maximum flexibility to end-users for a multitude of platforms and mounting configurations.
The RAIL and RAILc are in production now, and the RAILcClass 3R commercial variant and will available for pre-order at TNVC with deliveries estimated to begin in late-summer 2025 (MSRP $3,699). Class 3B variants are also available for order now to qualified parties, for more information, please visit our websites or contact [email protected] or [email protected]
And if you’re at the 2025 NSSF SHOT Show, swing by both Envision Technology at Booth 56108 at SHOT eXtraon the 5th Floor, Palazzo Ballroom from January 22-23 ONLY, or all week at the TNVC Booth 62211 in the Galileo Ballroom, 1st Floor of the Venetian, the Law Enforcement area!
Founded in 2005, Tactical Night Vision Company (TNVC) is a Veteran-Owned small business which specializes in providing industry-leading visual augmentation systems, modified-COTS solutions, and systems integration as well as training, education, and life-cycle support to government and commercial customers alike.
For all inquires please contact: [email protected]
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