I have been writing regularly on this blog since May 2012. During that time, I have posted over 1,000 times, covering every aspect of my journey inside America’s gun culture.
Much of my focus has been on what I call, following Michael Bane, “Gun Culture 2.0” — the defensive core of contemporary gun culture in the U.S. The thinking I have done here has led to innumerable essays, articles, book chapters, podcasts, media appearances, videos, and two books, Concealed Carry Revolution and Gun Curious.
I have also found a small but intelligent community of readers through this blog, whose support has sustained me through the challenges of trying to promote insight over animosity in understanding the complex reality of guns in America.
As blog readership has declined, I added a “Light Over Heat” YouTube channel to reach new audiences. I now find myself pivoting once again away from this blog, this time permanently.
As I approach the 13th anniversary of the Gun Culture 2.0 blog this May, I will be winding up my work here. This site will become the home page for the book I am writing on Gun Culture 2.0.
My in-the-moment writing and reflections will shift to “Light Over Heat” on Substack.
Going to the “Light Over Heat” brand will allow me to write more about parts of gun culture I have thus far neglected — hunting and recreational shooting, for example. It will also allow me to write about things that interest me beyond guns.
As always, none of my work will be paywalled. Subscriptions to the Substack are free. People who want to support my work financially and in terms of morale will have the opportunity to become paying subscribers ($6/month, $60/year). Founding subscribers — “Enlightened Ones” — will receive a free, signed copy of my next book for each year of support ($120/year).
Please use the QR code below or click this link to subscribe to the “Light Over Heat” Substack. There is no content over there yet, but I promise there will be soon.
Thanks always for your support!
Read the full article here