I woke up this morning in California to a message from my friend Rabbi Hillel Norry that contained a beautiful prayer for good health, prosperity, and a world filled with peace.
He also shared an opinion essay that ran this morning in the New York Times.
The opinion writers observe:
Shlomo Yosef Zevin, the Russian-born 20th-century rabbinical authority, wrote in a 1979 book that the rabbis had a choice to make regarding the message of Hanukkah: Should the eight flames represent fire — the destruction of our enemies — or light, working together toward a better world? The rabbis chose light.
I wholeheartedly endorse this sentiment: Light Over Heat.
Let’s choose light over heat all year and not only during the holy days.
Whatever and however you celebrate, or choose not to celebrate, I wish you peace and joy, compassion and wisdom, and the warmth of family and friends this winter season and in the coming year.
Read the full article here