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Home » “David weaves the tale of Gun Culture 2.0 masterfully and without malice”

“David weaves the tale of Gun Culture 2.0 masterfully and without malice”

by Tony Grist
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One of the earliest written reviews of Gun Curious was written by Kat Ainsworth Stevens and published in Shooting News Weekly back in June.

Photo of a Texas boy, his red heeler, and a copy of Gun Curious by Kat Stevens

In addition to noting my alt-career as a professional tennis racket stringer (funny but true), Stevens highlights some attributes I aspired to in the work:

This book isn’t just some guy waxing poetic about his journey into firearms ownership. This is not the David Yamane Show. Instead, it’s a fantastic representation of modern gun culture. . . . Unlike some gun books that are designed as nothing but dust-collecting objects that take up space on the shelf, Gun Curious is a stellar reference. It’s the kind of book I’m comfortable 10/10 recommending, giving as a gift, and reading more than once. You don’t have to agree with everything David writes, but it’s impossible to deny that it’s interesting. It’s also wise not to live in a total echo chamber, meaning you should consider reading something like this to learn more about different perspectives to firearms ownership. . . . David weaves the tale of Gun Culture 2.0 masterfully and without malice, in case you’re thinking there might be some form of barely-contained rage coming from a liberal sociology prof. There’s not. 

These are attributes I hoped people would recognize in Gun Curious. If you have some thoughts on the book you’d like to share, please send them my way ([email protected]) or consider leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Those reviews help draw attention to my work beyond my own built-in networks so more people can learn about it.

Read the full article here

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